Is compatible my data base with QSystem?

Yes, QSystem can be integrated with any market data base, like oracle, mysql, sql, etc.

Could I enlarge my QSystem installation if my business would need it in the future?

Yes, Qsystem is a modular system that allows to enlarging any installation, how and when the customer needs.

Could QSystem work with our previous appointment system?

Yes, Qsystem can work with any previous available appointment system in the market.

Do I need to buy a special hardware to install QSystem?

You only need a computer to install our queue management system software (SGE).

Which operating system do I need to work with QSystem?

You only need any version of Windows operating system.

Could I show my corporative videos or any other multimedia content?

Yes, our management software for multimedia contents is designed to provide our clients with corporative communication solution adapted to their requirementes.